PCO© – Performance and Customer Orientation
Business Strategy – Intra-Firm
PCO© – Performance and Customer Orientation
Your strategic direction in the coming months could be to put in place a performance culture (in the sense of “doing well the first time”) and customer orientation (in the sense of “making your customers talk about you positively to someone else and of their own free will “).
Participants : managers, executives
Main Program
How to make a difference with your competitors? How to keep your customers and prospective customers (prospects) choosing you rather than your competitors? Certainly the quality of your products and solutions will be crucial. However, at equal quality, the customer will be tempted to choose the cheaper … Unless your managers and employees make the difference and make gains visible and audible in the eyes of your customers. How to make a difference with their skills? Your strategic directions in the months and years ahead will demand even more from your managers and your employees in quality control to provide services that meet commitments to customers and the ability to make at any time value added both in terms of behaviour as well as expertise regardless of their knowledge. To achieve and implement your strategy, they will develop two skills areas : the culture of performance and customer orientation .
The culture of performance
involves the operation and acceptance by target to be tracked and measured. It is the same for our clients, who measure us every day! It also requires self-motivation, organization, preparation and follow-up respectively before and after each action or performance, of motivation to always give quality and added values, as well as other associated skills.
The culture of customer orientation
in turn implies competence to respond positively to any situation and act accordingly to provide the expected quality and added value. It also ask to consider each partner as an internal or external customer, ie someone who has expectations and needs and is awaiting a way to communicate when we “sells” what he proposes to do rather than impose it without due form. Finally, it requires each observation and active listening to act rather than react, and even an ability to anticipate customer feedback (internal or external) and generate appropriate actions.
It is clear that these two major powers are realized over time. This is why your goal is to include training and collaboration over time in order to guarantee the transfer and sustainability.
Our training, in group or individually, are based on both a philosophy and a methodology that will ensure the achievement of your goals as they have done so far with our customers. They tell us: “you bring the motivation and pleasure in exercising our responsibilities, we can methodise our daily job, so your trainings are profitable.”
This is the minimum that we propose to carry with you.
Our philosophy that underpins all our training is in three concepts that we develop on request for each course: a positive inner attitude and fun into each of its communications, search for excellence in behaviour and practices to provide quality and added value in carrying out its responsibilities and priorities for action to anticipate and be customer focused in every situation.
As to our methodology, it is primarily sequential, ie a day or half day or hour of training is separated from the next by a time interval to ensure the implementation and delivery of aids and tools exercised.
During the days or half days or hours of training, we alternate the reflection with the practice through role-play fun and challenging at times.
During these sessions, we highlight the strengths and weaknesses of each participant and build with them “red wires” to apply – we say tomorrow morning 08 am 00! – to guide their behaviour and their sustainable practices as part of their responsibilities.
We will ensure that each completed training programs provides participants with the practical support needed to achieve stated goals !
The transfer and sustainability will be achieved, as well as the necessary skills for the implementation of a culture of performance and customer focus within your business.
Although each formation has specific goals that we agree together. Value added is the realization of transverse skills such as those mentioned above and all those connected with them.
This builds on the same wavelength will be amplified by the exemplary behaviour and coaching made by the “top” to and with the “bottom”.
We will work closely with executives and managers so that they fulfil this role effectively throughout the training. !
Course and duration
Like a complete business solution – consulting, coaching and training – the PCO© concept is improved during more than one year bringing profitable results that are responsible and durable.
To agree together.
Contact us.